воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

air tran wendys

Ear infections are definitely not fun.� I have the start of one now, and I am beginning to list to one side and run into walls. So much for my ninja-like balance and grace.
Tomorrow is my first day off in 6 days, and I get to devote it to laundry *woo*. This weekend, however, is a 3 day weekend for me. The schedule just happened to work out that way. We had a meeting at work, and we determined that everyone all around was happier with the idea of alternating weekends off, rather than having a single day on the weekend each. That way if we wanted to , heaven forbid DO something on a weekend, we could without making short plans.

I got my engagement ring :) Fox proposed officially on Monday and after a slightly disasterous ring search Monday we found the perfect ring online on Tuesday. It came in on Saturday and Fox came home on his lunch break to give it to me. Everyone at work loves it, they are the only ones to have seen it on me so far. Silk and Angel will be seeing it eventually but this weekend hasnt worked out for visiting one another. Silk is just getting over the flu and I have the ear infection.

Now, on to the ice cream part. Everyone in the lifestyle talks about after care. Ours, simply, is ice cream. Granted we still enjoy it when we ARENT playing, but for us after a rough or intense scene, Ice cream is the way to go. It prevents nightmares, and seems to calm nerves and bring everyone back down happily. Gotta love simplicity.

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For real, I just got a massive paycheck and it feels good to be contributing, and not being shafted in return. My boss Tomas is great, and makes work fun and enjoyable so I nearly never get the dreaded feeling of going to work, that use to plague me.
I havenapos;t really had time to completely create a musical composition that I am completely content with, however in my mere moments of relaxation I have created a few pieces, that have yet to be finished.
Thanksgiving was quite the contrast to last year since I was not in the kitchen this year : having to pull together the finishing strings to a thanksgiving dinner. So I got to relax and watch rerun cartoon justice league episodes which I bought for five bucks at work,�THEN my dad pulled out his comic collection and us, and my two brothers bonded over our incredible nerdyness. Iapos;m not into turkey dinners really, so I stuck to my usual veggies, bread, fruit, and various other components of a holiday meal
Iapos;ve been having numerous dreams in which I am either pregnant or with child. Itapos;s incredibly loony, since for as long as i can remember I have had no interest in bearing children. My brothers are so much younger, and as a result I have always felt like some sort of parental figure towards them. However, since the passing of these multiple dreams I have been thinking a lot about this subject. And I am sure now that some time I would like to bear at least one, and teach them all the wonderful things in life, read them poetry, comb their hair, encase them in music, and bake them lovely pies to eat before bed. I think I was inspired by life is beautiful, which i watched last week, one night before falling asleep.

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Lol, anyway Peepz, i havent been on in awhile. So im gonna ramble on about my curent life.
Me and Gary broke up, and now i go out with a guy named Nathan. -theres my relationship status-

Grade 8 is fun, but alot of work. I have projects in almost every subject. Like my project on STEROIDS for PDR (Personal Development and Relationships). -theres my schooling status-

Nuttin else to report really. Boredem.

Well, Peepzz its time for me to exit the building for now.
Until next time Stay beautiful ;)

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

com golden tamil

Ok, so I have been up here for almost 3 months and am still without a sofa in my basement. I am looking for one that is descent looking (i.e. Not stained, ripped, or beat up), that has kinda clean lines (i.e. No overstuffed, or country floral), and that can fit in a 30" door opening. I have been perusing CraigsList often, but always to no avail. My budget is prolly around $100, but will go up depending on if it fits my needs. I have tried a couple used furniture stores (Cort/Retagit), but they are both kinda high for beat up junk. I really have no other idea where to look, and am in need desperately. Anybody have any ideas? Thanks in advance...
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bloody hymens


Well, the kiddo-genius-chef is making fudge. :D

Granted, the majority of it is for Circus McGurkis (and no, I wonapos;t even TRY to spell that for the life of me) but weapos;re making extra :D

So -- yeah. Long day, not neccessarily bad (well, one thing was, but) but... Long. But tomorrow will be fun And we have videos out of the boxes Nightmares Before Christmas Cats Thumbelina

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